As a child, I struggled with my weight. Y’all it was not cute. I was rotund and I did not carry it well. As I grew the weight shifted to the right areas, but I still carried the mentality that I was “big”. Couple this with various other factors my self-esteem was non-existent. I did not have the proper view of myself and often, I felt unworthy, unseen, and unchosen.
But my father was constant.

He’s always viewed me as his little girl. He still does and my twenties are sprinting away from me. As I say this, please understand our relationship has not been perfect, but the little nuggets he planted in me about my value have remained. For instance, growing up, my dad always noticed when I got my hair done. He always gently corrected me if he felt like my clothing was immodest. These were not long conversations, they were moments, they were seeds that were planted that are now growing into a harvest in my adult life.
In recent years, I have gotten more into make-up. While it is true that I enjoy the artistry of make-up, those closest to me know I can only stand to wear it once or twice a week. My dad, however, is not the biggest fan. He always says, “Ayanna, you are beautiful without it.” To be completely honest, I never really paid this comment much attention. In fact, I let it roll off my shoulder as my dad just being a dad, but recently, that phrase kept coming back around over and over in my mind.

So this Father’s Day adjacent, I want to share my father’s heart with you, because I believe his heart directly reflects the Father’s heart. Friend, you are beautiful without “it”.
I do not know what your “it” is, but I am sure you do. My prayer is that you no longer lean on it as a crutch or feel that you are any less valuable without it. Because your heavenly Father says, “You. Are. Beautiful.” There is no caveat or exception. You just are.

Big hugs,