exercise resistance band

Resist for Strength

Have you ever heard of resistance training? Resistance training is used to build muscle which inherently gives strength. We can resistance train in the spirit. To be honest, many of us are used to resisting, but we are not resisting the right person. You and I resist God.

Girl looking around lovingly, Christmas tree faded in the background

I Found the One

He’s everything I hoped for and more. Funny thing is…I’ve known him for years. He was right in front of me all of this time and I’m just now realizing itI’ve always dreamed of meeting my husband. Imagining what he may look like, his personality (secretly praying that he’s funny and kind lol).


Good Grief

Sadness can be debilitating. Many of you know this, because you have lost a lot. Some have lost loved ones, friendships, relationships, time, and health. Others have lost hope because there’s so many bad things happening in the world.


In this season, I’m learning that God is always good. He’s good when I’m hurt. He’s good when things change. He’s good when I’m in lack and He’s good when I have plenty. He’s good when life knocks the wind out of me. Even with all of this, God is still good. So daily, I will choose to meditate on His goodness.

How am I so convinced? Every. Single. Day. He extends GRACE.